The Illusion of Free Will
Credit: Mohamed Hassan . Have you ever thought that you might not be actually making any choices? Ever questioned the freedom of your will? Ever thought while you moved your hand to grab a glass of water that this was predetermined, given the fact that your body has lost water and gives you the illusory feeling of being free while extending your hand to drink? But before we talk about free will, it is necessary to think of the very definitions of the words "free" and "choice" in order to know what we're talking about. The word "free" implies the absence of pressures, the total "autonomy". OK what about the word "choice"? Choice means the ability to pick between various options, right? So if I could buy a red car or a blue car, I would say that I made a choice of color. Alright, so how do our definitions relate to the argument against free choice? Well, I think it is quite simple: try to combine the two definitions toget...